February 9, 2012
Fiction: Paranormal
NYT bestselling author Richelle Mead's GAMEBOARD OF THE GODS, the first novel in her new adult paranormal series, Age of X, featuring an unlikely pair charged with investigating mystical phenomena in a futuristic world that was nearly destroyed by religious extremists, to Brian Tart at Dutton, with Jessica Horvath editing, in a two-book deal, by Jim McCarthy at Dystel & Goderich Literary Management (world).
Fiction: Paranormal
NYT bestselling author Richelle Mead's GAMEBOARD OF THE GODS, the first novel in her new adult paranormal series, Age of X, featuring an unlikely pair charged with investigating mystical phenomena in a futuristic world that was nearly destroyed by religious extremists, to Brian Tart at Dutton, with Jessica Horvath editing, in a two-book deal, by Jim McCarthy at Dystel & Goderich Literary Management (world).
Traduccion por Vampire Academy (facebook)
Esta madrugada, Richelle Mead revelaba al fin información de su nueva saga paranormal adulta. Para aquellos que la leéis dentro de este género os contamos que será una serie, llamada Age of X, de momento de 2 libros. El primero tendrá por título Gameboard of the Gods y versará sobre una pareja que investiga fenómenos místicos en un mundo futurista que fue destruido por extremistas religiosos. Será un interesante cóctel distópico, con intriga mitológica, romance y, como no, el habitual humor sello de la autora
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